This week’s author is Faye Hall.

Each of her novels bring something symbolically Australian to her readers, from Aboriginal herbal remedies, to certain gemstones naturally only found in this part of the world.
Each of her books tell of a passionate connection between the hero and heroine, surrounded and threatened by deceit, scandal, theft and sometimes even murder.
These romances swerve from the traditional
romances as Faye aims to give her readers so much more intrigue, whilst also revealing the hidden histories of rural townships of North Queensland.
Faye finds her inspiration from the histories of not only the township she grew up in, but the many surrounding it. She also bases most of her characters on people she has met in her life.
Faye was able to live her own passion driven romance, marrying the love of her life after a whirlwind romance in 2013. Together they are raising their nine children in a remote country town in northern Queensland, Australia.
So thank you Faye for blogging with me today.
Can you tell us a bit about you as
an author?
write about murder, lies, deception, and love set in the outback under the
Australian sun. My passion driven, mystery filled books are set in North
Queensland, Australia during the development of the townships at the end of the
19th century.
What are the hardest parts of being
an author?
to keep constant original ideas that will draw the readers to my books. That and finding time to write.
What do you enjoy most about being
an author?
able to create people and being able to manipulate their lives knowing they
will always have a happy ending.
What authors/books have had an
influence on your writing?
Quick novels have to have been my biggest influence, though I find inspiration
in most published authors.
Do you ever get Writer’s Block? If
so, how do you deal with it? Do you believe there is such a thing?
not sure about writers block, but I get frustrated with so many aspects of
writing at one time or another. Usually
talking through whatever I’m currently working on with my husband is enough to
get me through my frustrations and back on track.
Do you have a particular place that
you like to write?
do most of my writing on my computer which is in my bedroom, however I do also
write on my phone whilst waiting for my children at school.
Do you have a favourite time of day
to write?
have many family commitments so I write where and when I can. Finding time to
focus on writing is a luxury for sure, so I try to make good use of night time
after my children have gone to bed.
How do you like to reach your
media is my most used way to reach readers.
I’ve also done several interviews for the local paper in my town, as
well as quite a few appearances on various blogs. I even had the chance to do an appearance
with several other local authors in the local library.

is a historical romantic suspense set in 19th century
Australia. The hero, Devon, is
distraught when he is made to believe the woman he loves is killed. When Lotte returns to him though, their
second chance is marred by the vengefulness and ruthlessness of Devon’s wife.
How long did it take you to write
the book?
couple of months. I aim for 3 – 4 months to complete a book, but as I don’t
have the luxury of non-stop writing, sometimes things don’t go to plan. This particular book had very few
interruptions though so it was completed rather quickly.
Do you have a favourite character/topic
in your work?
hard to pick a favourite character in this particular book. I loved writing them all. I enjoyed Devon’s
broodiness and desperation to have the woman he’d lost returned to him. Lotte was also an enjoyable character as she
enabled me to share some old native Australian myths and traditions with the
readers. Then there was Elizabeth, a
character driven by her own greed so much so that she would stop at nothing to
get what she wanted. All three
characters were just so enjoyable to create.
What was your process? Did you plot
out the entire book, or just let the storyline flow? Do you write in chronological order?
with most of my work, I wrote a rough plan around pieces of dialogue and
possible ideas. The rest just changed and
flowed then as I wrote.
Do you have plans for further
for this particular book, at least not at this stage.
Do you have a plan for your next
do. It is titled Heart of Stone, and is
a tale of unusual love story tangled together through the scandal of the
Australian slave trade.
Ebooks vs Physical books? Do you
have a preference when reading?
my works are all ebooks at this stage, I still prefer to read physical books. I like the feel of the pages beneath my
Self-publishing vs traditional
publishing? What are your thoughts? Do you feel that the industry is changing?
I feel the industry is changing, both for the good and bad. I admire anyone who has the strength to
self-publish in an already flooded market.
And finally, what advice would you
give to aspiring authors?
you love to write, then write and try not to get too disheartened along the
very bumpy road to publication.
Thanks for visiting today Faye. How
can readers find out more about your books:
Amazon Author Page:
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